I was always asked this question…what is my ideal match? I guess the definition always changed as I kept “growing up”. I mean few years back I thought the guy should be able to excel in whatever is possible.[read:acads,singing,,photography,artistic talents,sports,games horse racing,moonwalking,you name it]but common, now I know firstly it isn’t possible.(draupadi got 5 husbands ,for God to satisfy all the qualities that she desired in her partner. That was then, And the number was 5.i can’t even imagine what it would be now, phew!!]And secondly if “my man” were to be all that, I would be toooo ordinary. Big risk actually.
So now after a lot of “analysis”, I have come to a conclusion.
I am absolutely sure that I totally like the farhan akhtar/prateek babbar image.[I’m more used to the farhan image].this is one image that I liked when I first saw him giving interviews for ‘dch’,and then as a judge as in Nach Balliye and I still like him now, without actually seeing rock on posters.
Actually I think I saw prateek in jaane tu and it reminded me of the image of farhan
So I’m sure I like that look, except for the passion in films, in my guy, but of course. That sheer intelligence, articulate and sensitive bloke thing with a whacky sense of humor….
So if I were to list the essential qualities it would be (in no particular order)
· Understated …be it cool or handsome or anything. It should be essentially understated.
· Smart, stylish and suave.
· Intelligent and bright and knowledgeable
· Articulate ,Quick wit, sometimes whacky
· Must essentially read
· Should share similar interests and tastes
· Must be enthusiastic about our dissimilarities and encourage participation, mine for him and vice-versa
· Preferably from the finance field...[ahem]
· Creative pursuits as a hobby appreciated
· considerate and sensitive
· sensuous
· should believe in mutual respect, loyalty and trust
· And of course should just truly, deeply, madly deeply believe it that I’m the best thing that happened to him.{lol).
I’m still in search of this elusive guy. Looks like a difficult search, really