I was all of 5 years when i had gone to Nainital.It's a beautiful lake resort which nestles amidst seven hills in a lush valley at an altitude of 1938 mts. In 1841, the British first discovered Nainital as a holiday resort.It is popularly known as the "lake district" of India.
I don't remember in intricate details much about that trip but I found that the weather was fantastic and the place was beautiful and exotic.It was cold but pleasant. Air was fresh and crisp and the sight of trees of the mountains filled my eyes and my heart.IT is covered with Sal ,Pine ,Oak, Buruns, Kaphal and other trees growing unto 6000 ft. along with Deodar , Surai etc. at higher altitudes.
We were staying at a sprawling bungalow-it had a large garden with lush green grass,beautiful bright colored flowers and a quaint little shack where you could sit and read and sip tea.The dining room was oak paneled.The living room was designed in Victorian style and the decor was very classy.In all I felt back then that I was transported to those enchanting places I saw in English movies.
We spent around a week or maybe 10 days there..and I loved every moment of it.My mother used to hurl me out of my sleep at 6 AM(that's the only bad thing) and get me ready(taking a bath in that chilly morning for a 5 year old is a pain)..I used to be all excited to a have a very English breakfast of porridge and omelet in that oak paneled room,with napkins and all...as a kid it felt regal...Then I used to play in the garden,read my fairy tales for an hour and then we used to go out..
Once we had gone to the lakes for a boat ride..I saw many dragon shaped pedaling boats. We were seated in a wooden row-boat. The boat-man explained the lake had natural groundwater which was supplied to entire Nainital.There were so many ducks,all dazzling white with bright yellow beaks,wading in the water..I remember touching one of them and remember splashing water on one and seeing it vigorously brush it off..
Once we had taken the rope way..it was my first aerial view of sorts....I remember looking at the mountains in the distance and wondering if the snow was vanilla ice cream..I wanted to touch the snow..
I rode a horse for the first time...The horse owner's daughter took a liking for me and made me sit with her and took me for a ride..I loved the wind rushing by and sweeping my hair back..I remember wanting some more of it...I had made a mental note to learn horse riding one day..(it still remains a wish).
Once we had gone shopping and I realized that's the most boring thing one can possibly do..I remember not liking the bustling crowd-it reminded me of streets in esplanade where there's jostling and pushing and a lot of haggling..and I remember thinking aren't we on a holiday to be away from all of that!!..and then I saw queer wooden pieces on sale,and I got very interested in the idea of helping mom in selecting the pieces..It was difficult to choose -everything was so cute and pretty and dainty..
And then we returned,but those 10 days or so were one of the best moments of my life..
Ahem! This explaination drools me to rush to Nainital right away. Still wondering, is the place really beautiful or not? .. however your words have done the magic :)
abt these white swans ... my remember them in Rajasthan, symbols of peace, the animals of Minerva, goddess of Wisdom... beautiful creatures
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