Hyderabad did give me the opportunity to do things I always wanted. To live life on the lines of dil chahta hai.right from late night parties, to drinking sessions in the hostel where people talk god knows what when they are high to being drunk beyond senses myself [yes the hangover is terrible] to spending the whole night with a group of friends in a barn, to celebrate of all things friendship day and being stuck there coz of not being aware of when public transport comes to a halt.
I mean life had its share of ups and downs there like any other place, but it was like a joyride. And the 8 months passed in a blur. I have spent a good 2 yrs at least in any other institution, and everywhere the first one year is perhaps the most enjoyable, and later it comes to a point of stagnation. but here I went, not knowing a soul, made friends ,acquaintances, vehemently disliked few, all in the course of various activities-curricular and extracurricular, and hardly did I feel the stagnation.
In particular I went from being in a stage of making new friends and discovering a lot of the intricacies of the human mind in the process in the first one month to feel really down cause of feeling disoriented and lost for not being able to ‘really connect’ with anybody and just being happy with the idea of enjoyment. It felt superficial and it was getting to me such that I was visibly upset. Thank god for that, coz that visible upsetting image got me real friends who stood by me, who I knew even with closed eyes would stand by me, and I was proved right. Again I witnessed cracks in the group of friends owing to the fact that some boys felt I intruded upon their privacy coz one of the people from the group took a fascination for me, or that some of us in the group just scored higher despite giving much less effort in acads.i still don’t see how are we responsible for getting higher marks without sufficient effort but there was indeed a bone of contention regarding the above two matters. Then there was an experience of facing the exams without any preparation whatsoever don’t think I ever did that before except for my class 12 where I did not even realize that I was underprepared [lol!!]
The toughest moment came when the examination was mired in controversies, and we in turn had to confess. It was a difficult moment. But I realized there’s nothing better than coming out clean with the truth. Albeit that’s a difficult thing to do, thinking about the consequences, but coming clean does have an edge. Yes people will tell u serves you right behind your back, but when u emerge victorious with your name cleared, you can feel the exhilaration in giving a slap back to the detractors, and I mean literally so. You actually know for real who your friends are, you acquire new friends when you have overcome the challenge victoriously and you force your detractors to lick their own spit.
The second SEM was different than the first SEM, coz d focus was not on adventures anymore so to say but to evolve as a human being. It was a different existence altogether for me to actually live life without caring about what others thought. I always thought I did not care before, but the reality was I did care but chose to ignore. But this time it was different. I just did not care. I did not feel the need to justify like before. I actually lived life without the guilt of seeing myself in a judgmental way through their eyes. It really was a burden free existence.
And I think this was the most important lesson from Hyderabad. To live with convictions, and really so. To show the people their place if they try to act smart no matter who they are, when you are right. And I came back armed with the understanding to actually live a fulfilling life that is with the appropriate foresight laced with confidence. Confidence to march in without detractors distracting you from your goals with their gimmicks.
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