Sunday, July 20, 2008

One Reason Anyway!!

I know at least ONE of the reasons why I blog. Finding one reason is quite a lot! When I started blogging I did not know any, only that I did not have sufficient reasons of why I shouldn’t do it.
I hate it when I do not have a clear answer to any thing, especially when it’s the ramblings of my mind which is completely radar less. It gives me a feeling of disorientation.
So anyway I think I have figured out one reason:
i always liked reading from an early age. Story books and novels mainly, not the self help books and definitely not acad crap. I’m miles away from them. I always do enjoy a good read, anything that has nothing to do with my curricular. [I’m such a shirker of duty.Eessh, but then my happiness is of paramount importance. Come on let’s get real: P].
yap so basically while I read the works of good authors, even the newspaper editorials, as a rule always, it occurred to me again as a rule that I would never ever be able to write in that style [I cannot classify it, still], in that language, do that proficient prognosis, or articulately describe a situation or a place so marvelously. Nor would I ever have the insight that they always seem to have. Nor the ability to write the sentences in a way that can have various literary connotations.
All the above did seem a big deal. But ever since paperback was advertized, And light reading became a cult status genre. Or more specifically lets just say when I started reading stuff written by people who are not quintessentially writers [my classmates including], I quite liked it. Now everywhere I look the style of writing has been oversimplified in a way that all you have to do is just write exactly what’s coming to your mind in a descriptive manner.
Well that sure is easier than what Jane Austen style is, or so I think.
Had I not been exposed to this genre, and had attempted to write on the same lines as these celebrated authors I would have to copy them. Basically rip off their works and in my defense I would have told that I’m getting inspiration, when accused of plagiarism.
It its so humiliating really, to pass of their work as though it is my own creation. Besides if I just want to talk about what’s going on, in my mind, I’d rather talk about what is actually going on in my mind rather than just pull out paragraphs of things written by people, of the ramblings of their minds.
So I chose not to write then.
however, now that we can all write whatever shit we want in a manner that is not considered blasphemous thankfully, I’m trying to do what I have always wanted to do and not done coz of being forever confused as to how to write what I write when writing is supposed to be of the kind endorsed and reasserted by respected authors.
So I’m blogging!!
Shity reason?
Who gives a damn anyways??

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