Somebody once told me, when I asked him if he read “the three mistakes of my life”-chetan bhagat, that he has not read it and neither will he ever read it. The reason being that he thinks chetan bhagat lies when he apparently tells that he started writing coz his boss was bad. According to him chetan bhagat should admit it openly that he is in this writing business only for money. Since he “lies”, this person would not read his book.
All right point taken. He doesn’t have to read it if he does not want to.
But I’m wondering when was it ever that we read books according to what kind of person the author was?
Or what kind of live he/she lead?
I think we always read books coz of the story.
I’m not doing propaganda for one chetan bhagat.but I mean really, if the story that he writes connects with some people and he makes money it’s not our headache. After all he’s not making us read his stuff in gunpoint range. And why he does write is completely his problem ,I think. Well if he does it for money, and he writes something that fetches him that who are we to judge?
People read books by various authors. Do we all know about them, as to what kind they were and actually read their works based on the perception that we have about their lives?
I never did it!!I’m sure most people don’t. I did not know 10 years back whether Sidney Sheldon and Jackie Collins were male or female. As in who was the dame and who was the man?
I just came to know that Agatha Christie had a weird marriage. Big deal. It’s her life. So long she’s writing gripping stories for us, does it really matter?
I mean if the person really believed in not reading someone’s book coz the author was lying about his reasons to write, then he should never read Jeffery Archer. That fellow went to jail for sleeping with the prostitute while he was in some political high strata. He is a bigger criminal if not the same. He should never read Salman Rushdie’s works, that fellow keeps marrying. He was issued a fatwa!!That’s not particularly a very ‘nice ‘thing, is it?
But he reads them? Contradictory logic, really
So if people are not going to read chetan bhagat or any other author coz of the bizarre reason of not consenting to their life style, instead of trashing them, if they really have to, coz of not liking their work, I ‘d say they are just jealous? OR biased?
But then it’s their call, afterall.
To each his own.
1 comment:
Hi Priyam,I just wanna give some passing thought as I went through your lines.........don't u think u do have a soft corner for writers like Chetan Bhagat.....or any Fiction writer whose writings touches ur heart........everyone has his/her own philosophy.....their own way of looking at thinhs...or any other expalnation which u think would b otherwise....just listen 2 ur heart..what it likes......don't b upset on any other's comment....its not an advise.rather its a friend's request!!!!!!!!!!!!
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