Tuesday, July 28, 2009


It seems as though I'm hurtling down with no sense of any direction.It seems my roots have been severed and I've been flung-far flung actually with no sense of where I'm going,what I'm doing and why what is happening.

The inertia has been stirred.I'm restless and impatient but I know not what is it that I seek...

I know not what I want,I know not what I like is indeed the best thing,whether it will last..

I'm afraid to hope.I'm afraid to think.I'm afraid of the future.I cannot close my eyes and jump off the cliff.I'm afraid of hurting myself.I'm afraid to take a chance..

A thick pallid sky, Just like the blanket over my brain, Both slowly settling down. I dare not invoke my senses, They are too receptive for my own good...

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