Saturday, September 27, 2008

While I was in school, my frnds always thought I was very look conscious...I do not deny it.i think its very natural to be look oriented in your teens.altho being look conscious is always considered to be synonymous with the feeling that the person thinks she is very beautiful..On the contrary I think a person who doesn’t at all think she’s very pretty, but quite average and desires to look pretty, is conscious about it all the more.
And a desire to look pretty is there in everybody I suppose. It’s the amount of desire that matters that. We all want to look our best, or enhance our looks by wearing a certain kind of clothes or certain colors etc,that bring out the best in us.
I think as a person I’m very expressive, in whatever I think n stuff. So if I’m thinking after a bite of food that gosh is my lip gloss off or do I have any crumbs left sticking to my mouth, instead of thinking and wondering about it I would ask it aloud, and just get done with it. And since I’m expressive I think people misconstrue it as being look conscious, when in reality I think I’m just being normal, only more expressive, which is me
However I do admit that when I was younger I attached a lot more importance to it than I do now, as to whether my hair is in place, my lip gloss the right shade and all that. Now it’s become a lot more flexible I think and that’s because as we grow older, our priorities shift to more meaningful things in life

Thursday, September 25, 2008


there was a guy in school:ABHISHEK HALDER:
the whole school knew that he had thing for me when we were in class 8.I used to at that age enjoy being the sought after,but naturally.However when he finally proposed in claa 9,I refused coz i thot he was a dunce.[:P]
so he in class 12 started telling me CREDIT CARD which is a code word for a slut.!!!!
and wats more important to note here was that he used to tell that to me,not directly but INDIREctly with his spineless followers who used to shout this wrd out while i was passing,or was in thier vicinity.
SHUCKS!!can u believe wat COWARDS they were???
GANGING up to tell a girl shes a slut,INDIRECTLY,nd NOT having the BALLS to face the reality.
n I"m a slut coz i refuse a dunce..........well i'd rather be aslut than to accept a dunce in my life!!
jeez wat a COWARD seriously..
u know wat everytime i felt i shud go nd tell d mother fucker something,or actually take up d matter with the teachers,something stopped me.
the same something which stops me from reacting when d level of dirt is too much to get my hands dirty.


I was watching a talk show[not the celebrity one,this time]n d host asked d guest what is self confidence according to you.the question prompted me to think...
I think for me self confidence is about NOT needing assurances from people to reirterate what I'm doing,thinking n stuff..if I"m convinced bout doing I dont need others to second it at all.
they can choose to give thier opinions IF i ASK for it,nd I might introspect thier views to help me decide but once decided i dont need the thumsup sign to let me know they approve.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I don’t know why I always seem to have empathy for the people who are underdogs, who are underestimated and people who are misunderstood. I seem to have a natural understanding towards people who are jived at or sneered at for a fault done usually not intentionally.
I don’t think I have always been like that. We all at some point of time look at things in black or white, but as I grew up or at least ever since college I have learnt not to be judgemental.and more importantly I try to perceive the situation from the other’s point of view.
And yes I do admit that this exercise has made me more considerate and more sensitive to the other’s feelings. If a person is shouted upon in front of people, or made fun of, or sneered at, I do feel bad for the person no matter what that person has done, only by thinking that if I were to face it I would have felt terrible.
This is why I try to refrain from publicly humiliating a person, until ofcourse he calls for it blatantly.
I wonder what’s wrong with me?
Why the hell can’t I take pleasure in smirking, itching and causticim under the garb of sarcasm???
Everybody else seems to be living off it, and apparently enjoying.
And mostly people think being easy going=no personality…
Beat that!!
Grr I hate my mom for teaching me so much of moral science while I was growing up
Damn damn damn