Friday, September 4, 2009

the importance of "un"

Unplanned trips to Unseen places
Uncanny connections with Unfamiliar faces

Unsaid words and Uncried tears
Unhealed wounds and Unanswered prayers

Undue hurts accepted through Unquestioned reasons,
Unmatched optimism in Unfavourable circumstances.

Unheard promises transmitted through Unclosed eyes,
Untainted want met with unloved price.

Uneasy silence between Uncomfortable souls,
Unbearable distance between Unmet goals.

Unwritten chapters of Unexpressed laments,
Undone portrait of Unforgettable moments

Unflinching belief to complete Unfinished stories,
Unclasped hands struggling to create Unrealised glories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And it's also the masculine word for 'the'. :P